I’ve been using Nobaralinux on mywinmax2 Ultra Mobile PC, because it offers a handheld edition that supportsgamescope session (the Gaming Mode the Steam Deck offers with a tailored “console” experience), perfect for my GPD computer.

Right now Nobara Linux supports KDE and Gnome only, and I’ve been a sway user, and because the touchpad placement on thewinmax2 is quite uncomfortable, using a keyboard-based window manager made even more sense.

These are the steps to follow to make sure the scripts make you switch to/from Gaming Mode and sway, because the changes are not from upstream you need to do it after each system update:

  1. Edit /usr/bin/steamos-desktop-return and in the sddm condition change the line to exec swaymsg exit
  2. Edit /usr/libexec/os-session-select in the desktop|plasma case and put sway as the session_launcher in the wayland case.

I should find a way to upstream this usecase but in the meantime I’m fine with doing this.

Here is also the shortcut I use to go from my Sway session to my Gamescope Session: bindsym XF86AudioStop exec steamos-desktop-return